
Kate Webber and Simon Walker (the hairy one) are the proud directors and kaitiaki of Junky Monkeys.

Kate has been involved with Junky Monkeys since it’s creation. Back in 2018 she fell in love with the programme while watching kids delightedly slide down hills on frying pans and make swings out of suitcases.

Kate has moved through most roles at Junky Monkeys from play coach, to lead facilitator, to social media creator, to operations manager, and now director. 

Kate is a total play geek. In her time not watching kids play with junk, she is coaching primary teachers about learning through play with Longworth Education, and supporting other play inspired start-ups in education.

Simon is an events organiser extraodinaire. He specialises in making events as sustainable as possible. Simon is just one of those people who can make a table out of wood,  some rubber bands, and a dozen eggs. His event organisation skills and crafty resourcefulness will be a real asset to the programmes.

To find out more about Kate Webber and Simon Walker we suggest doing some friendly internet stalking!


Tracy JefferyPlay Coach

Tracy is a compassionate, gentle, and hardworking individual, and it is an honor to have her on our team. As a former Playcentre parent, she understands the benefits of open-ended and risky play. Tracy is passionate about sustainability and sewing, and she owns Holly View Creative, where she creates eco-friendly sewing projects and runs community workshops teaching kids and adults how to sew. She also collaborates with us with her ‘Fabric of Play‘ programme.

Tineke Sutton – Play Coach

It is a blessing to have Tineke on our team, as she embodies a culture of kindness. With a background in ECE as both a kaiako and a center owner, Tineke is extremely passionate about how we treat our tamariki and the importance of meeting children kanohi ki te kanohi. She runs Nurture People, a nonprofit organization that facilitates workshops for parents and educators, evolving from Pennie Brownlee’s work with the Pikler philosophy.

Marcia O’BrienPlay Coach

This picture perfectly captures Marcia—shoes off and immersed in the serious business of playing. With a background in ECE teaching and experience as a Playcentre parent, Marcia could have “play” as her middle name. You’ll often find her instigating playful mischief or engaging in deep reflective discussions about the play unfolding. Marcia brings bundles of joy and energy to every play session. We are delighted to have her as part of the Junky Monkeys whānau.

Panda GavinPlay Coach

Panda has joined us here in Aotearoa after an impressive career as a playworker in the UK. They have  established and run their own community play initiatives, and with her training as a playworker, she understands the deeper workings behind play. Panda can often be found observing the magic that unfolds or making meaningful connections with tamariki. they have so much to teach us, and we are extremely grateful to have their insight and experience on the team.

Esta TakuiraPlay Coach

Esta brings a vast kete of practical experience in play, having worked in nearly every outdoor play initiative in Tāmaki Makaurau. Her warm, playful, and open demeanor makes her easy to connect with for both kids and adults. Esta is a constant learner, always reflecting on her studies in Te Reo Māori and alternative health remedies. Esta is currently on maternity leave, but we are crossing all our fingers and toes that she will return to play when ready!

AlUmni Founder

Junky Monkeys was conceived  by Ann Langis. With a professional background in teaching and a personal passion for the zero waste movement, Ann was inspired by UK-based play pods and keen to develop a loose-parts programme for tamariki in Aotearoa. With the enthusiastic support of Jane Walters, former Director of Waste Education at the Devonport Recycling Centre, they began amassing a stockpile of interesting junk items and ran the first trial programmes at local primary schools and community events in autumn 2018. Ann now independently consults with her own consulting organisation Ann Langis Play

Our Approach

We Facilitate Safe Learning Spaces

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— Our Mission

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— Our Vision

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— Our Story

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